Family Law Mediation In Alberta

Family mediation lawyers; family law mediators; calgary mediators

Mediation lawyers reduce conflict in family law.

Mediation is a process for negotiating a settlement. It is often used with family law related issues in Calgary. Both parties get legal information and guidance. This helps to find a mutually beneficial solution. If the mediation with family law mediation lawyers fails, then the parties are still able to go to court. The process is not a binding one. Mediation is one form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). In Calgary, Alberta Kahane Law will help 403-225-8810.

What Family Mediation Lawyers Do?

Mediation is available as an option for separating or divorcing couples. Mediators encourages resolving issues in a cost-effective, non-adversarial manner. They act as an educator, counselor and referee between the parties.

Types Of Matters Mediation Will Address

A mediator is a neutral individual who meets with the parties in the course of one or more meetings to assist with the settlement of all separation issues, including custody and access, guardianship and parenting, child support, spousal/partner support, and division of property.

What is the Family Mediation Process?

Family mediation lawyers will initially meet with the parties to review and execute a mediation contract. Next they review the issues and information needed. The parties then gather the necessary documentation (see our Calgary family law client intake form). This is followed by the parties scheduling a meeting with the mediator to begin the process.

The mediation process is an interest-based process. This means that the parties will explore what is important to each of them and why, while showing respect to the other party and refraining from accusations and blame. Family mediation lawyers help keep an emotional balance to the negotiations. In cases where there are children involved, the parties will need to continue to communicate with one another. Mediation is an avenue that will attempt to maintain civility, respect, and cooperation between the parties. Mediation also attempts to avoid the difficulty of adversarial litigation process of attending court and pitting parties against one another. Family law mediators seek to assist in building a solution that works. To learn more on how to prepare for your mediation, click here!

What Family Mediators Do Not Do

Family mediation lawyers are not in a position to provide legal advice, but may give legal information at the request and consent of both parties, if qualified to do so. For example, the mediator may provide information about how child support is calculated using the Federal Child Support Calculations. Kahane Law Office mediators in Calgary are also lawyers.

What Happens After Mediation Reaches an Agreement

Once the parties have reached an agreement on all the issues, the mediator will prepare a memorandum of understanding. Then, the parties are responsible to retain separate lawyers for the preparation and execution of a separation agreement, based on the memorandum.

What are the Advantage of Mediation?

Mediation can save the parties the expense of hiring individual lawyers to negotiate a settlement, and may shorten the time for negotiation. This way both parties use one family mediation lawyer.

Finding Family Mediation Lawyers in Calgary

To schedule a consultation with a member of our family mediation team to discuss your separation or divorce situation, please contact our experienced family law team at Kahane Law Office. You can reach us locally in Calgary at 403-225-8810 (toll-free at 1-877-225-8817), or email us directly here.
