Child Custody and Support
Child custody and support lawyers focus their practice around the laws dealing with children in separation and divorce. The Alberta courts and child custody and support lawyers always focus on what is in the best interest of the children in each and every situation. Our Calgary, Alberta based lawyers can help you to understand your child’s rights, your rights and how to focus on your child’s needs. We can advocate on behalf of a child him or herself when needed. Kahane Law help you 403-225-8810.
Areas of Law Covered by Child Custody and Support Lawyers
The following are the types of legal situations that are considered child custody and support issues:
Custody and access laws in Alberta
This area of law deals with where children will live after separation and divorce. While shared parenting often works, people sometimes conflict on how to share time with their child. Child custody lawyers also help with deciding who will look after the children and when each parent will have the opportunity to see his or her child(ren). This area of law also looks at how important decisions will be made. Click here to learn more about child custody and access lawyers in Calgary. We even assist applying to the courts for access when grandparents faced with not seeing their grandchildren.
Child support laws in Alberta
Under Alberta Child support laws, both parents have the obligation to support their children financially. Child support payments in Alberta are based on with whom children live, how many children there are and the income of the parent(s). Most often these are specified and followed in the child support guidelines. Child support lawyers also help in negotiating and getting court orders for extraordinary expenses.
One aspect of child support that some people forget about is the Canadian Child Benefit. Often couples negotiate as to who gets the benefit from the Canadian government.
Child mobility / relocation laws in Alberta
Among other things, child relocation lawyers help in negotiating and applying for a court order with regard to the mobility of children. These child mobility lawyers can explain the laws about a parent’s ability to move away from the other parent when children are involved. Learn more about child mobility law here.
Travel and Vacations With Your Children
Sometimes a parent does not want the other parent to travel with their child. Other times there are valid flight risks. Sometimes, they are just being difficult. In most cases, absent any danger to the child or flight risk, getting a child travel order from the family courts is not difficult.
Laws for Child Protection in Alberta
Child and Family Services (“CFS”) are a part of the government that are in charge of protecting children. Child protection lawyers in Alberta deal with the laws associated with protecting the best interests of children as well as attaining disclosure from CFS on their files. This is most important when there is a threat to their safety or well being. This includes dealing with emergency protection orders, social services and parental visit supervision.
Child Custody and Support Lawyers who Care
Our Child custody and support lawyers care. They understand that your situation is extremely important to you. They also understand that the situations that have people retaining a child custody and support lawyer are emotional and difficult. We will help you through your own specific situation. We have even provided links to free family law information here.
Hiring a Child Custody and Support Lawyer in Calgary
To schedule a consultation with a member of our family law team to discuss your child custody situation, please contact us. Our experienced family law team at Kahane Law Office is happy to help. We offer exceptional value. You can reach us locally in Calgary at 403-225-8810 (toll-free at 1-877-225-8817), or email us directly here.