Getting A Permit To Work Or Study In Banff Canada
Are you currently working in Banff and considering ways to make Canada your long-term home? Banff is one of the most beautiful places in the world, and you may be wondering what your options are to stay and work in Banff, at the end of your International Experience Canada visa. Immigration lawyers help people to come to Banff to not only study but to work as well. If you are looking at a Banff working holiday visa expiry, make an appointment for a consultation today. We can review the various options that may be available to you to make Banff your home, beyond the expiration of your working visa. Appointments at Kahane Law Office can be made via Skype, over the phone, or in person here in Calgary.
Staying Past A Banff Working Holiday Visa Expiry
There are many myths around working and living and Canada—get the right answers to your Canadian immigration questions from the professionals at Kahane Law Office. Staying past your Banff working holiday visa expiry can be a complicated matter. Making an error on your Canadian immigration application can cost you time and money. Often a consultation helps to dispel the myths and sets you on the right track. Consequently, this helps you to find the most effective route to staying on past your Banff working holiday visa expiry. You may be eligible for permanent residency under the Express Entry Programs, or through the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) streams. Alternatively, you may be eligible to be sponsored by your employer, spouse, or common-law partner to remain in Canada.
Permits For Studying In Banff Canada
Studying in Canada on a valid study permit past your Banff working holiday visa expiry, can also open doors to Permanent Residency if you do not currently qualify for other Permanent Residency streams. If you have considered studying in Banff or elsewhere in Canada, reach out today to ensure you’re choosing a program that will maximize your options to remain in Canada, even after you complete your program of study. Whether coming to Canada for the first time, or looking to remain in Canada, getting professional advice from Kahane Law Office helps. We provide you with the guidance you need. If already in Canada, give yourself plenty of time before the expiry of your status in Canada. This allows you to determine the ways to extend your stay in Canada.
International Experience Canada (“IEC”)
International Experience Canada visas are a terrific way to see and experience Canada, while also gaining Canadian work experience, and making money to fund your adventures in Canada. If you’re considering
Depending on your citizenship, there are several categories in the International Experience Canada programs. For example, these include the Working Holiday Program, Young Professionals Program, and the International Co-Op Internship program. You may be eligible for more than one program to maximize your stay in Canada.
Have you reached the end of your eligibility under the IEC visa? Are you wondering how to stay in Canada beyond the expiry of your International Experience Canada visa? We work through the various programs in Canada with you. We do this to see which ones might match your long-term goals to make Canada home.
Studying In Canada & Your Banff Working Holiday Visa Expiry
Canada is full of world-class educational institutes. Are you considering studying in Canada? We can guide you through the process of applying for a study permit. A one-hour consultation may be just what you need. This allows us to answer your questions prior to submitting your study permit application. In addition, if you want a professional to handle your study permit application from beginning to end, we do that too. We have flat rate fees, which makes billing predictable. We offer flat rate fees for Canadian study permit applications. These include, for example, a complete consultation in advance, to ensure we understand your long and short-term goals in Canada.
Post-Graduation Work Permit Program
Lastly, a Post Graduate Work Permit can allow you to gain valuable skilled work experience in Canada for a duration of time equal to your qualifying program of study (to a maximum 3 years). Not all Canadian study institutes or programs of study will qualify you to get a post-graduation work permit. Get the right advice in advance. This helps ensure that your program of study gets you on the path to a bright, long-term future in Canada.
In addition, a post graduate work permit offers many benefits. For example, these include the ability to gain valuable skilled work experience to Canada and in your industry of study. If wanted, this then leads you to Permanent Residency under the Canadian Experience Class Category. You may already qualify for Permanent Residency under other streams such as the Federal Skilled Worker stream; and you may wish to check out the Canadian government’s self-assessment tool to find out your eligibility under the Express Entry Permanent Residency program.
Finally, if you have questions about your Comprehensive Ranking System tool, or how to interpret your CRS points score, please reach out for a consultation today.
Start The Process To Stay After A Banff Working Holiday Visa Expiry
If your expiry is coming up for your Banff working holiday visa expiry and you want to stay, make sure that you know your options. There are many options. This makes things both easier and more complicated to know which is the best one for you. Kahane Law Office in Calgary can help. Reach out anytime in Edmonton directly at (780) 571-8463 or in Calgary directly at (403) 225-8810. We also have a toll-free number at 1-877-225-8817 or email us directly here.