Statutory Declaration Of Common Law Union For Canadian Immigration

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We Help Bring Common Law Union Couples Together With Immigration Declarations

Not all countries recognize common law unions. In Canada, we recognize them. Specifically for Canadian immigration purposes, common law unions are a valid status. The part that becomes confusing is proving the relationship. This type of statutory declaration, is a immigration Canada form that helps to prove that you really are in a common law relationship. You specifically state the nature of your relationship. Failing to complete this correctly often leads to problems down the line.

When you need help understanding or making these assertions, we help. The immigration consultants and lawyers at Kahane Law Office in Calgary help with your  statutory declaration making the nature of your relationship clear. Call our law firm today at 403-225-8810 for assistance.

What Is A Common Law Union Statutory Declaration?

A common law union statutory declaration is also known as a Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union. It is required in Immigration Spousal Sponsorship applications for unmarried parties who are in a common law relationship. The document is a simple one page form that can be declared in front of a lawyer, commissioner for oaths or notary. In addition, it outlines how long that you have been in your relationship along with some specific details. This statutory declaration is used in order to prove you relationship to relevant authorities.

Information Required In Your Declaration

Key information regarding your relationship goes into your declaration. Missing information causes problems with regards to the declaration. Other information varies depending on the couple’s specific situation. In addition to your name, address, social insurance number and how long you have been in a common law relationship, the Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union will ask about if you have a joint mortgage, lease or purchase agreement with regards to the property that you share with your partner. For example, the form also set out the following matters:

  • Jointly owned property;
  • RSPs;
  • Jointly owner credit cards;
  • Utility bills in both names;
  • Life insurance policies naming the other common law partner as the beneficiary;
  • Jointly owned bank accounts; and lastly
  • If you and your common law partner have children together.

Where To Find A Common Law Union Statutory Declaration?

Lastly, the good news here is that not all forms cost you money. The Canadian government makes this form available to everyone. You can download the common law union statutory declaration for free. You can download your statutory declaration common-law union here. If you need help, we are happy to print a blank one for you for free as well. Just come by the office and ask to speak to someone in out immigration group. We can even send the statutory declaration in for for you to make your life easier. We know the importance of these matters to our clients.

Help With Filling Out The Declaration Form

Our firm always aims to help. If you need help filling in the common law union statutory declaration, then give us a call and we can help. There is a charge for this service. We are also able to have you make the declaration in front of us. If we fill out the common law union statutory declaration for you, then we include the cost of the commissioner for oaths or notary in our fee to fill it in.

Finally, some clients bring the completed form to us. If you do not need help filling in the form, then we just act as commissioners or notaries for you. We can usually help with same day or next business day service. Often, we even provide drop in service. No review of the prepared documents occurs in these situations unless specifically retained to do that. Call Kahane Law Office today: 403-225-8810 or email us directly here.