Farrah Kohorst

Family Lawyer

Sonya Gribble

Assistant to Farrah Kohorst
Family Legal Assistant

Farrah Kohorst

Farrah Kohorst joined Kahane Law in March 2014 and is currently an associate with Kahane Law Office and is the Team Lead for the family law group overseeing the family law team.

Farrah’s approach to Family Law files is to be as kind as you can for as long as you can and try to negotiate a settlement which takes into account the needs and desires of all involved. When negotiation does not appear to be working and a fair settlement is not on the table then prepare and litigate quickly and effectively. She sees an incredible amount of value in having client’s work together, with lawyer assistance if needed, to settle their own issues, but feels it is very important to have litigation as an available resource as sometimes that is the only route available to obtaining what your client really needs.

Farrah has practiced exclusively in the areas of Family law since her call to the bar in 2008. She is very passionate about obtaining the best possible results for her client and their family and has a substantial amount of experience dealing with all issues associated with common law separations and divorces. She also is an advocate for cohabitation and prenuptial agreements and is regularly negotiating and completing these contracts for her clients.

Farrah is a trained mediator and is available for these services.