Do Dower Rights Apply to You: E-tool
Dower rights apply in Alberta. This e-tool will help you answer the questions, “do dower rights apply”. It is meant to be a tool. Since each situation is specific, this is meant as a guide. Contact one of our real estate lawyers to confirm if dower rights apply.
Format of Our “Do Dower Rights Apply” E-tool
To make things simple, the top of each page will have a yes or no question. there will then be a yes and no link to move forward to see if dower applies.
Under each yes and no link, there will be further information if you want to learn more about that aspect of dower rights.
Learn if Dower Rights Apply
Do dower rights apply to your situation? At the end of the E-Tool, you will know. At that point there will also be more information for you about the steps you will need to take, if any.

Do dower rights apply?
Please Click Here to Continue to the e-tool to see if dower rights apply.
More Information Needed
Do to the specific nature of dower rights and their application, it is important to speak to a lawyer for a final determination as to if dower rights apply. As most dispositions of land will end up with a lawyer helping, you should feel free to contact your lawyer to ask as many questions as required for you to feel comfortable with where or not dower rights apply.
More Information on Dower Law From Our Lawyers
Please click here to watch our video on dower rights. You can also click here to run through our dower rights E-Tool to see how you need to deal with dower rights in your specific situation. You can also contact us for help with dower issues. Please call our Calgary real estate lawyers at 403-225-8810 (or toll-free at 1-877-225-8817) or email us directly here.