Changes of Registered Corporate Address
To ensure a corporation is in good standing, it needs to make sure it has a proper office and address registered. It is possible to provide a mailing address that’s different from the registered office address, but it is vital that corporations report any change of their registered office address. Actually changing the corporate registered address is the only way to keep it current.
Dangers Of Not Updating An Official Corporate Address
Many people rely on this address, including customers, investors, and the government. Corporations Canada, as well as provincial regulators such as Alberta Registries also sends out official notices, and they send out reminders to file annual returns. Corporations that do not have an up to date address could find that they are not receiving official documents. This could result in a company being struck for failure to file their annual returns. If your company is struck for failing to pay annual returns you will have to do a corporate revival, which is both costly and inconvenient. Lastly, if someone sues the company, and service occurs at the registered address that is no longer accurate accurate, the company faces effective service. This means that you may lose a lawsuit without even knowing that the company was sued.
Learn more with our video regarding registered addresses. This is why some companies prefer a lawyer firm to be the registered address for the company.
How to Change Your Company’s Registered Address
For companies incorporated in Alberta you must file a Notice of Change Of Address. This lists the company’s name, corporate access number, registered address, records address, and address for service by mail (as required). You must submit this information to the Registrar within 15 days of a change. Also, societies and non-profit companies must have an authorized signature.
Rules For A Registered Corporate Address
Keep in mind that the registered address cannot be a post office box. If you have a registered corporation in Alberta, then the registered office address also needs to be in Alberta. If you are changing your registered corporate address to an area outside of the province where you initially set up and registered the corporation, it means that you may need to continue into that jurisdiction first. This will require an extra provincial registration. If you have not added a separate address for service, your registered corporate address is also your address for service if someone sues the company.
Federal Registered Company Addresses
If your company was incorporated under the Federal Business Corporations Act, to change your registered corporate address, you will need to complete and turn in Form 4003. The form has four main parts or items that you will need to fill out before returning. In the first section, you will add your corporate name. The second section requires your corporation number. This is the number that’s on your certificate of incorporation or continuance. Next, you will complete the registered corporate address for the corporation. This is the company’s legal address. Any special documents or registered mail will then go to this registered corporate address. Make sure you add the street name and number, the city, province, and full postal code of your new office location.
Help To Legally Change A Registered Corporate Address
Changing the registered corporate address is actually quite simple. Making an official change to your registered corporate address has a very low cost. However, some companies simply do not realize just how important it is. Make sure you always keep your office address up to date so you don’t miss any important mail. Call today so that we can help you with your corporate needs. You can reach us toll-free at 1-877-225-8817, or 403-225-8810 locally or email us directly here.