illegal suite

3 09, 2013

Illegal Suites in Calgary – Part 3

By |2016-01-05T23:12:41+00:00September 3rd, 2013|Litigation, Real Estate Law|Comments Off on Illegal Suites in Calgary – Part 3

So You Have an Illegal Secondary Suite”¦.. As flood waters recede, advocates of secondary suites are again renewing their calls for grandfathering in existing illegal suites. They cite the low vacancy rate (hovering around 1%), the impending return of post-secondary students this month, and the fact that numerous apartment buildings and basement suites were adversely [...]

13 08, 2013

Illegal Suites in Calgary – Part 2

By |2016-01-05T23:12:42+00:00August 13th, 2013|Litigation, Real Estate Law|Comments Off on Illegal Suites in Calgary – Part 2

City Requirements for a Legal Secondary Suite Last month we introduced the topic of illegal suites and the varied positions of Calgary city council members, with one camp prepared to grandfather in all existing suites, provided they meet certain building safety codes, and the other camp in favor of maintaining the status quo of bylaw [...]

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