microsoft lawsuit

16 09, 2015

Wacky Wednesday: Lost 80 Cent Coupon Value Turns Into $5M Lawsuit

By |2016-01-05T23:12:29+00:00September 16th, 2015|Litigation, Wacky lawsuits|Comments Off on Wacky Wednesday: Lost 80 Cent Coupon Value Turns Into $5M Lawsuit

Lost 80 Cent Coupon Value Turns Into $5M Lawsuit Coupon-ing Gone Wrong Coupons are a great idea. When you use them, you save money - simple as that. People in Canada love coupons just as much as people in the rest of the world, and we typically know how to use them without [...]

2 09, 2015

Wacky Wednesday: Microsoft Vs. MikeRoweSoft | The Name Game Part II

By |2016-01-05T23:12:29+00:00September 2nd, 2015|Litigation, Wacky lawsuits|Comments Off on Wacky Wednesday: Microsoft Vs. MikeRoweSoft | The Name Game Part II

Problems Using Your real Name? Microsoft vs Mike Rowe Soft Microsoft vs. MikeRoweSoft This is a fun story that almost sounds like it's the plot of a teen movie. It all started in 2003 when a high school student from Canada named Mike Rowe registered a website called He was an enterprising [...]

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