real estate

11 09, 2017

Legal Checkup for Home Owners, Business Owners and You

By |2019-10-26T10:01:14+00:00September 11th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Legal Checkup for Home Owners, Business Owners and You

Get your yearly legal checkup done! The Top 10 Reasons For Your Legal Checkup We all know that it’s good practice to go to the doctor once a year for a health checkup.  This yearly checkup lets us know if we are healthy. It also alerts us to potential health problems in [...]

26 04, 2017

Top 10 Registrations On Alberta Land Titles To Understand BEFORE Buying

By |2021-01-16T16:13:05+00:00April 26th, 2017|Real Estate Law|Comments Off on Top 10 Registrations On Alberta Land Titles To Understand BEFORE Buying

Land Titles Registrations Understanding Which Alberta Land Title Registrations Are Important Under the land registration system used in Alberta (which is based on the Torrens System of land registration), instruments registered on title are guaranteed by the Government of Alberta. This means that anyone can rely on the validity and security of [...]

19 01, 2017

Wacky Wednesday: Buyers Sue Over Smell of “Sea Air”

By |2017-01-19T22:27:04+00:00January 19th, 2017|Wacky lawsuits|Comments Off on Wacky Wednesday: Buyers Sue Over Smell of “Sea Air”

Buyers sue over sweet smell of sea air The Sweet Smell of the Sea, or Not If you’ve lived inland for most of your life, imagine how nice it would be to live close to the sea. You could see the water, hear the waves, and listen to the seabirds. Having a seaside [...]

27 11, 2013

Dear Neighbor: A Humerous Response to a Neighborhood Dispute

By |2016-01-05T23:12:41+00:00November 27th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Dear Neighbor: A Humerous Response to a Neighborhood Dispute

Dear neighbor, Due to your new terawatt floodlight shining through our bedroom window like a small but intense sun, I have removed the lamp and placed it in your letterbox. Regards, David ----------------------------------------- From: Justin Date: Sunday May 6, 6:52pm To: David Subject: Lamp I received your note but you cant go onto other peoples [...]

27 11, 2013

Can A Judge Order You to Sell Your Condo and Move?

By |2016-01-05T23:12:41+00:00November 27th, 2013|Litigation, Wills & Estate Law|Comments Off on Can A Judge Order You to Sell Your Condo and Move?

What would you do if you had the world's worst neighbor? What if your next-door condo owner was so abrasive in her or his interactions with other owners in the building, that all efforts toward civil accord were futile? What if this owner had a lengthy history of physical assaults on residents; of intimidating neighbors [...]

18 05, 2013

Buyer Brokerage Agreements in Real Estate: What You Should Know

By |2016-01-05T23:12:42+00:00May 18th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Buyer Brokerage Agreements in Real Estate: What You Should Know

Buyer brokerage agreements are becoming more popular. Some real estate offices have mandated them for all their real estate agents to start using. Although this date has been pushed back already, it looks like all realtors will start using buyer brokerage agreements in the near future. How do Real Estate Commissions Get Paid? When a [...]

4 05, 2013

Chattels & Real Estate: What You Must Know

By |2016-01-05T23:12:43+00:00May 4th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Chattels & Real Estate: What You Must Know

Chattels. What are they? And why is it important to know what they are? Read here to learn what you need to know about chattels. Also find the link at the bottom of this article to our video on Chattels. What are Chattels? Chattels, in the context of real estate and everything else, is stuff. [...]

23 02, 2013

Power of Attorney When Signing For Real Estate

By |2016-01-05T23:12:44+00:00February 23rd, 2013|Real Estate Law, Wills & Estate Law|Comments Off on Power of Attorney When Signing For Real Estate

A Power of attorney lets someone sign documents on your behalf. There is a specific power of attorney. This type is for a specific situation. These situations include things like buying or selling a specific house. There is also a general power of attorney. This type lets someone sign documents for you for a broad [...]

19 02, 2013

Real Estate: Purchases and Sales of Condominium

By |2016-01-05T23:12:45+00:00February 19th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real Estate: Purchases and Sales of Condominium

CONDOMINIUMS - Purchase and sale of - Deposits- Disclosure Statement- Termination of purchase agreement- Refund of Deposit - Residential unit - Real Estate Development Marketing Act - Real Estate. Appeal by the buyer of real estate, Essalat, from a order giving $1,136,000 to the developer, Burrard Residential, for the deposit on a luxury Condominium. On [...]

12 02, 2013

Real Estate Property Law

By |2016-01-05T23:12:45+00:00February 12th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real Estate Property Law

SALE OF LAND - Agreement of purchase and sale - Remedies - Specific performance - Real estate agents - Real estate brokers - Duty to disclose information. Action by the plaintiff, Rakhra, for forcing a contract to go through (specific performance) for the purchase and sale of residential real estate property owned by the defendants, [...]

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