
31 07, 2019

This Week’s Wacky Wednesday: Florida Man Fakes Heart Attack in Walmart to Help Theft

By |2019-07-31T18:02:41+00:00July 31st, 2019|Wills & Estate Law|Comments Off on This Week’s Wacky Wednesday: Florida Man Fakes Heart Attack in Walmart to Help Theft

This Week's Wacky Wednesday: Florida Man Fakes Heart Attack in Walmart to Help Theft Right from the title, you know this is going to be an interesting one. There are two elements of this story that are magic when it comes to weird cases. It happened in Florida and it involved Walmart. This [...]

17 07, 2019

This Week’s Wacky Wednesday: Couple Arrested on Theft Charges!

By |2019-07-17T14:44:49+00:00July 17th, 2019|Wacky lawsuits|Comments Off on This Week’s Wacky Wednesday: Couple Arrested on Theft Charges!

This Week's Wacky Wednesday: Couple Arrested on Theft Charges! From the title, you might think that there’s no way that this would qualify as a weird crime. Sure, theft is a crime, but sometimes people steal. Sometimes a couple engages in theft together. However, this case will surprise you and it will put [...]

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